Writing papers high
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Does human beings have a duty to protect the natural environment Essay
Does individuals have an obligation to ensure the common habitat - Essay Example Air contamination involves the arrival of gases and particles into the climate, as indicated by Harrison (2001) poison gases incorporate carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide. The expansion in these gases in the climate has been because of modern arrival of these gases and engine vehicle exhaust, the utilization of fossil oils has a wellspring of vitality has added to the air contamination issue. At the point when these gases are discharged into the environment they influence the nature of air in towns and mechanical towns, Harrison (2001) states that a portion of the wellbeing perils that air contamination presents incorporate nose, eye and throat bothering, bronchitis, pneumonia, lung malignant growth, asthma and heart illnesses. These ailments acquire high wellbeing expenses and lower profitability in the work environment. The main arrangement is to set up appraisal of air contamination which will decide the sum and sort of contamination, after evaluation air poisons ought to be resolved and suitable measures to diminish contamination embraced. Presently numerous countries have built up arrangements and components to forestall air contamination, in the event that people don't control contamination, at that point there will be no guidelines overseeing air contamination and along these lines the event of the sicknesses referenced will expand, this implies the death rate will increment because of passings related with the illnesses. Subsequently it is apparent that individuals have a task to carry out in securing the earth whereby by forestalling air contamination maladies are decreased and lives spared. Radioactivity contamination issue: This type of contamination includes the arrival of radioactive material to the earth, Kolbert (2006) states that this type of contamination spreads quickly to an enormous region and may keep going for a long time whereby it influences creatures and plants for a significant stretch of time, this type of contamination represents a wellbeing threat whereby it causes ceaseless ailments and malignancy. Radioactive contamination is because of human movement which incorporates testing of atomic weapons, creation of atomic materials and mishaps coming about because of atomic force creation. Thusly it is obvious that human movement is the primary supporter of atomic contamination, the impacts of this type of contamination may keep going for a long time and hence gangs the most serious peril to human and vegetation through ailments, for example, malignancy and other incessant maladies. People are answerable for this type of contamination and accordingly have a job in shielding the earth from this type of contamination. Soil contamination issues: Soil contamination happens because of the utilization of pesticides, oil dumping, modern squanders, spillage by underground tanks and overwhelming metal tainting. Soil contamination presents wellbeing dangers and debasement of horticultural soils. The significant worry in overwhelming metal polluted soils is that plants will take up these substantial metals and items devoured by people are tainted with these metals. At the point when human action results into the corruption of soils the dirts free their profitability and yields decrease, a decrease underway methods a decrease in the food created and in this way
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Mongols Essay Example for Free
The Mongols Essay The Mongols cleared across Asia and Europe in a bleeding frenzy. Executing more than 6,107,000 individuals from the years 1220-1258. Treating ladies like a bit of meat intended to satisfy the delight of men. Yet, how Barbaric were the Mongols on a size of one to ten? Well the Mongols were exceptionally uncouth in light of the fact that they were ignoble, severe, yet vanquished a lot of an area. â€Å"Come out with the goal that we may rely on you as per our custom.†And when the individuals come out to them they search out craftsmans among them and kept these. However, the others except for those they wish to have as slaves, they execute with the axe†¦This articulation demonstrates from numerous points of view that the Mongols were uncouth. Likewise officers would execute detainees by shooting them with bolts or by covering them alive topsy turvy in the earth and tying there arms so they cannot uncover themselves. Causing a moderate horrendous loss of suffocation. Indeed, even the Mongol Yasa (laws) and Bilik (rules) were boorish men were permitted to undermine ladies having the same number of spouses however they see fit ladies could possibly have one husband and on the off chance that a father was to bite the dust, at that point it was alright to wed the entirety of his wife’s with the exception of his own mom. Might you be able to envision our general public if Mongols were in charge? (Doc: 5, 10) â€Å"†¦Severed the leaders of the killed from their bodies and stored them up on piles†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Sounds Brutal doesn’t it? Would you be able to envision the individuals who could slaughter somebody cut there heads of at that point heap them up like some bit of garbage? Well the Mongols sure were severe no uncertainty about it. They were so ruthless they slaughtered more than 6,107,000 individuals from the years 1220-1258. Truth be told, it was instructed that the town of Nishaphur ought to be destroyed in such a way, that the site could be furrowed upon; and that †¦. Not felines and pooches ought to be left alive. Likewise thief’s, didn't exist in the Mongol life since they were so terrified of the outcomes of theft that even the least fortunate sole wouldn’t dare consider preparing. Might you be able to envision how alarming it more likely than not been to be a Mongol or even one of there rivals? (Doc: 4,7) At long last, Under Genghis Khan the Mongols were extraordinary champions. They enslaved more than 4,860,000 square miles. The Mongols had progressive war strategies, for example, before a battle they would encompass the foe. Having there individuals (men, ladies, youngsters, and a few times dummy’s) on ponies to make the other armed force think they were battling an enormous group causing alarm among them as the Mongols came ever nearer assaulting their foe. With this strategy and numerous others Mongols both brought an invasion and vanquished a lot of Asia and Europe. No big surprise why the Mongols administered the biggest realm known to men for about 300 years. (Doc: 1, 6, 3) All in all the Mongols on a size of one to ten were around a seven when it came to how uncouth they truly were. For the most part Because of there methodologies of war, laws, rules, execution of detainees, triumph, lastly how ruthless all together they were as a gathering of individuals. This is valid because of the reality the Mongols were unrefined, frightful, yet vanquished a lot of territory.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Genie the Wild Child Essay Sample
Genie the Wild Child Essay Sample Genie the Wild Child: Victim of Science It is the cruel and heartbreaking story of an abused child, filmed by Nova Prods. It grounds on the true events that took place in the early 1970s in the Southern California. Secret of the Wild Child†is an hour of poignancy which tells us about Genies sad life. Despite the best intentions of the scientific team, she got hurt due to the research. Learn the horrible truth about Genie, the wild child, who fall a victim of the unsuccessful scientific experiment. Meet Genie: Secret of the Wild Child A social worker discovered a child tied to a potty chair in a tiny room. She had been locked here for all her miserable life. Who and why did this to the suffering child? Believing that the girl is mentally ill, her father, Clark Wiley, decided to keep her separate from society. The native father had abused the girl. Genie never allowed hearing a word as her blind mother, and 6-year-old brother occasionally spoke to her, and the father addressed girls mostly in growls and barks. Every time she tried to make a sound, he beat the child with a wooden stick. As a result, Genie deprived minimal human contact was unable to talk. The girls only environment was bare walls and her bed. Having been isolated and abused for over a decade, the girl spent her entire childhood locked in the bedroom, often tied naked, unable to move her feet and hands. The odd child barely walked and moved in a jerky way, holding her arms in front of her body. The truth about the child turned out when her mother escaped with the girl, then 13. Both parents were charged with child abuse. However, the girls father committed suicide the day before he was expected to appear in court. Being discovered, Genie was scarily skinny weighing about 60 pounds as her father fed the girl only milk and Pabulum. The speechless and silent child was spitting all the time and couldnt seem to use language or even to chew. The girl cannot recognize a word besides her own name. Now, the world calls her Genie, however, the real name remains uncovered to protect the privacy and identity. She is the most deeply damaged child world has ever seen. A Rat Lab: Failed Experiment Could a numb child develop language skills? Surrounding with a team of linguists and psychologists, Genie becomes the core of the scientific research. She lives in the house of the doctor, where she stays for the next four years. The girl is interested in drawing; she enjoys listening to classical music and doing well with the housemates. • Communication. People engaged in the experiment become attracted to the girl very soon. As they describe, in spite of Genies silence, she has a strange quality of connecting with persons around her. Within the first year, Genie makes rapid progression, for instance, swiftly learning how to dress. It seems the girl has a strong ability to communicate nonverbally. Genie frequently receives presents from strangers that understand her without any conversations. She vividly explores the world around her enjoying strolling outside the hospital. Now, her legs are stronger, she walks more confidently. Genies eyes shining as people tended to her. She likes to be stroked and soon learns how to hug back. The quiet girl begins to speak. • Language Progress. Fascinated linguists and psychologists have a unique opportunity to study the case. Upon her initial assessment, Genie scored at the level of a one-year-old child. However, she quickly begins adding words to her vocabulary. Eventually, she occasionally puts three words together as little kids do. It appears that the girl is completely capable of learning. However, she is stuck at the stage of language explosion unable to put the words in novel ways. Genie cannot apply grammatical rules to use her knowledge in a meaningful way. The progress of acquiring language is halted. Experiment Failure Due to the slow progress and lack of scientific findings, the funds have been withdrawn four years later after the launching of the test. The follow-up study without grant money is an insurmountable task for the scientists who have been caring for Genie since her extraction. The foster family decides to remove the girl from the house. The bond with the only people she attached and trusted to has been lost. Instead, Genie returns to her birth mother who has found it too difficult to take care of the girl. Instead, the girl is put into a foster home where she is often beaten. Genie has no prospects; the progress she has made within her first years of training dims. She has changed six foster homes since her studies. Eventually, Genies situation continued to worsen, and she regresses back into silence. Today Genie is under 60. She is mentally underdeveloped, speechless, depressed woman who lives in a private adult foster care. Conclusion After all the attention Genie had in the first place, she was abandoned and became lost in the scientific observation. The disappointed scientists turned back on the abused child when they run out of federal funding. Therapist and scientist combined in one person were a great mistake of the team. Genie’s mother put the right question: did the scientist interfere with the childs treatment? How did the research influence the poor girl? What was the matter of more importance, the scientific findings or Genies interests, her mental health, and well-being? It was the greatest tragedy of Genie who fall a victim of the forbidden experiment.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Hrm 430 Midterm - 1411 Words
1. | Question : | (TCOs 1, 5) Which type of compensation program is based, in part, on the human capital theory? | | | Student Answer: | | merit pay | | | | seniority pay | | | | incentive pay | | | | skill-based pay | | Instructor Explanation: | Textbook pg. 6 | | | | Points Received: | 5 of 5 | | Comments: | | | | 2. | Question : | (TCOs 1, 5) Tuition reimbursement is considered which of the following? | | | Student Answer: | | a legally-required benefit | | | | a protection program | | | | a discretionary benefit | | | | pay for time-not-worked | | Instructor Explanation: | Textbook pg. 11 | | | | Points Received: | 5 of 5 | |†¦show more content†¦| | | Student Answer: | | 11414 | | | | 11411 | | | | 11141 | | | | 11114 | | Instructor Explanation: | Textbook pg. 60 | | | | Points Received: | 5 of 5 | | Comments: | | | | 11. | Question : | (TCOs 1, 5) The term trainee is defined by which Act? | | | Student Answer: | | FMLA | | | | FLSA | | | | Equal Pay Act | | | | ADEA | | Instructor Explanation: | Textbook pg. 52/Table 3-1 | | | | Points Received: | 5 of 5 | | Comments: | | | | 12. | Question : | (TCOs 1, 5) This type of bargaining occurs when unions shift from bargaining more for job security than higher wages. | | | Student Answer: | | conciliatory | | | | concessionary | | | | collective | | | | compensation | | Instructor Explanation: | Textbook pg. 70 | | | | Points Received: | 0 of 5 | | Comments: | | | | 13. | Question : | (TCOs 1, 4) This term refers to a difference between the output of a human judgment processes and that of an objective, accurate assessments uncolored by bias, prejudice, or other subjective, extraneous influences. | | | Student Answer: | | content validity | | | | rating error | | | | the performance appraisal process | | | | a first-impression effect | | Instructor Explanation: | Textbook
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Freedom of Speech Essay - 2651 Words
Freedom of Speech Freedom of speech is something that, traditionally, has been unique to the United States. In fact, it was one of the founding principles of our country. It was the group of repressed colonists that decided that they would no longer accept the fact that they were not allowed to speak out against the throne. They decided that they would not accept not being able to denounce the Church of England. And on July 4, 1776, what could be seen as one of the boldest forms of speech ever ensured that never again would Americans be subject to the harsh regulation of Great Britain. Then, in 1789, our nations forefathers made it official with the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, including the first of ten amendments:†¦show more content†¦Is it ethical for the United States to even request that the rest of the world join our standard? Finally, is it ethical for the United States to do its own thing, regardless of others? Each of these concerns will be examined and the answer to all of them is no, it is not ethical - but what other choice is there? In the United States, as mentioned above, Americans enjoy a unique freedom - the freedom to express themselves as they wish. But freedom does not come without limits. The first amendment does not protect speech that is obscene and/or profane. But exactly what is obscene? What is profane? It honestly depends on who you ask. Even when brought before the United States Supreme Court, Justices could not define it. Justice Potter Steward couldnt do it either, but said I know it when I see it. As Winchel Todd Vincent III reflects in his paper Freedom of Speech in Cyberspace: Are you a criminal?, obscenity and profanity are determined by community standards. For the most part, people can agree what is good and what is bad. Vincent writes, The test for obscenity is whether to the average person, applying contemporary community standards, the dominant theme of the material taken as a whole appeals to prurient interests. Prurient is defined by Websters as marked by or arousing an immoderate or unwholesome interest or desire, especially a sexual desire.2 In other countries, standards are not as free asShow MoreRelatedSpeech : Freedom Of Speech1364 Words  | 6 Pages Even though freedom of speech can be tricky, understanding what can be said under the first amendment is key. This will give you more confidence when you re talking about current events, it ll inhibit social interaction, but the biggest reason of all is understanding your rights will keep you out of jail. Even the supreme court struggles to determine what exactly constitutes protected speech. When trying to see if your covered by the first amendment, certain questions have to be displayed. AreRead MoreSpeech On Freedom Of Speech1484 Words  | 6 Pages Abby Koopmann Ethics Freedom of Speech Professor Hunt Culver Stockton College Freedom of Speech Americans have many freedoms that people in other countries can only wish they had. Just imagine a life where you could possibly be killed for speaking your mind and stating your opinion, other countries are living lives like that. According to Katy Davis, The United States ratified the first amendment on December 15th 1791 (Davis, n.d). We as a country don’t know where the governmentRead MoreFreedom Of Speech : Speech1105 Words  | 5 Pages Freedom of Speech Freedom of Speech, part of the First Amendment, is a privileged right that should not be taken lightly. The Milo Bill is said to protect students’ right to their freedom of speech on school grounds. It was introduced at Tennessee’s State House and is named after Milo Yiannopoulos, a British public speaker who made a career out of â€Å"trolling†liberals and gained publicity for uncalled-for acts, such as racist and harassing comments on Twitter, which got him banned from the socialRead MoreSpeech : The Freedom Of Speech Essay1624 Words  | 7 PagesCitizens of the United States are privileged to the freedom of speech under the First Amendment, but the constitutional limits of the freedom of speech have been questioned on multiple occasions. Citizens of the United States have called upon the Supreme Court numerous times to interpret the meaning of the First Amendment, and the court has censored some forms of speech such as obscene speech --which has been pr ohibited--and indecent or pornographic speech--which has been regulated (Barrett, 1999). PublicRead MoreSpeech On Freedom Of Speech3937 Words  | 16 PagesZhiyuan Li Philosophy 2367 Freedom of Speech A couple of months ago, University of Chicago’s president Robert J. Zimmerin expressed his concern about freedom of speech on campus in a Wall Street Journal article: Free speech is at risk at the very institution where it should be assured: the university †¦ Invited speakers are disinvited because a segment of a university community deems them offensive, while other orators are shouted down for similar reasons. Demands are made to eliminate readings thatRead MoreFree Speech : Freedom Of Speech1403 Words  | 6 PagesFREE SPEECH Freedom of speech is perhaps the most precious tenets of liberal democracies accorded to the citizens of the free world. The United States, and the rest of the Western society is known to be the cradle of democratic principles, and this can be evidenced by the level of freedom accorded to the citizens of the United States and the West in terms of speech. The freedom of speech gives an individual an opportunity to speak his or her mind and also give his or her opinion, sometimes on veryRead MoreFreedom Of The Media And Freedom Of Speech1540 Words  | 7 Pageswhen Socrates was forced to drink poison for his â€Å"corruption of youth†(Mette), which can be seen as silencing one man for the betterment of everyone, but there is always an ample amount of opinions on such a controversial topic as Freedom of the press, or Freedom of Speech. Many nations today believe that very strict and regulated system of governing the media and entertainment is the best answer, such as China, w here â€Å"censorship was considered a legitimate instrument for regulating the moral and politicalRead MoreFree Speech Or Freedom Of Speech Essay911 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction America is known as The Land of Freedom, basically we are entitled for legal freedom to do whatever we wanted to. However, the freedom of speech has been challenged by many university students and educators recently. In their argument, they believe that free speech has triggered students’ unhappiness and jeopardize campus’ safety. What is the free speech or freedom of speech? According to dictionary, freedom of speech is the right of people to express their opinions publicly withoutRead MoreFreedom of Speech3842 Words  | 16 PagesFreedom of speech Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship. The synonymous term freedom of expression is sometimes used to indicate not only freedom of verbal speech but any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. In practice, the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is commonly subject to limitations, such as on hate speech. The right to freedom of speech is recognized as a humanRead MoreFreedom Of Speech : Speech And Expression898 Words  | 4 PagesWhen the words, â€Å"freedom of speech†are uttered today, it brings about much conflict and tension. The vagueness of the First Amendment is a pretty good indication of how different times were back when the Constitution and everything along with it were created. Back then, all the Founding Fathers wanted was the establish a democracy using the lessons they had learned from the tyranny of the British King. They wanted more freedom and power to the people. In the modern era, everything has changed, and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sexual Harassment Free Essays
Sexual harassment refers to any sexual conduct or advance to a person whether a man or a woman that is unwelcome. This form of harassment creates an offensive, hostile and intimidating working environment. It is a wide spread problem which in most cases has the effect of causing low morale among the workers especially those that are frequently sexually harassed. We will write a custom essay sample on Sexual Harassment or any similar topic only for you Order Now It leads to low productivity and thus low output for unions and employers and also introduces an expense to the management in terms of the law suits filed by the workers who have been sexually harassed. Therefore less sexual harassment will lead to increased productivity at the work place and in addition reduce the legal costs incurred as a result of the cases that have been filed by the sexually harassed workers (Roberts, Mann, n. d. ). Effects of sexual harassment at work place Sexual harassment creates a hostile working environment for the workers and especially the ones facing sexual harassment. For any worker to be productive, academic achievements and experience alone are not enough to ensure optimal productivity. The working environment for the worker is a very important factor maximum productivity among the workers. The workers who are frequently harassed either sexually or through any other form of harassment usually have a negative attitude towards their work in the organization and in fact hate the organization they are working for and will in most cases remain in such organizations simply because they cannot secure another job with another company, otherwise they will quit their work in the organization from which they are being sexually harassed at the earliest opportunity. Sexually harassed workers cannot be as productive as their counter parts in other companies that are not facing such harassment. Thus it is very important for the management of every company to ensure that all their workers are well protected from any form of harassment and especially sexual harassment, as this will result in increased productivity (Sims, Drasgow, 2002). In Malaysia a study was performed and it indicated that increased cases of sexual harassment were actually leading to low productivity in various organizations. The ministry of human resources despite advocating for training of the effects of sexual harassment at the work place also made a lot of efforts in preventing sexual harassment by changing attitudes among the workers and the management. The ministry started a continuous program which combined demonstration, theory, coaching and proactive actions which had a lot of impact in reducing sexual harassment and as a result increased productivity was realized in the country (Roberts, Mann, n. d. ). Sexually harassed workers will in most cases, are emotionally affected by the intimidating and unwelcome sexual conduct and advance on them, by those perpetrating the vice. Workers who are psychologically disturbed will obviously be less productive as compared to those ones who are emotionally stable. Studies have shown that persons who have faced sexual harassment for extended periods of time are likely to suffer similar psychological effects as those experienced by victims of rape. Such people will always feel disturbed both at work place and outside their work places. They therefore, perform poorly in their work as they are more likely to concentrate more on the harassment and its effects instead of their assignments (Sims, Drasgow, 2002). Low morale might be realized from the sexually harassed workers as they are not motivated to perform well. Such workers will in most cases just work mechanically to only meet the requirements of the management. They are less creative and innovative in their work since they do not see the sense of improving their work in work places they do not enjoy working in. sexually harassed workers with low morale will produce less as compared to those who are working in conducive environments in which they are likely to enjoy their work and thus produce more as well as be more innovative and creative, thus ensuring that their organizations remain competitive (Roberts, Mann, n.d. ). Sexually harassed workers usually have increased absenteeism from their work places in an attempt of avoiding the harassment. They will fail to attend work as a result of stress and illnesses arising out of the harassment. Thus there is loss of work days and thus the levels of production drop significantly as cases of sexual harassment increases (Sims, Drasgow, 2002). Strategic advantages of affirmative action programs to organizations When affirmative action programs are well employed in recruiting workers to join an organization, it will ensure that only those who are well qualified for various positions will be hired by the organization and thus the company is better placed to be productive. The principle for affirmative action when hiring employees should be purely based on merit, ability and qualifications. It should as much as possible try to be independent of national origin, race, or sex of the workers and thus such should not be the basis of hiring or promoting workers (Karsten, 2006). Affirmative action ensures that only the best qualified in terms of qualification, experience and ability are chosen to occupy certain positions. This will help the organization to survive in the long run as such people are more likely to be more innovative and creative and thus ensure that the company remains or becomes more competitive (Kivel, 1995). Employing people on merit also answers the question of equality and thus the company is more likely to improve its image to the society who comprise of their customers and thus the company might realize increased sales. When the people feel that a certain company is discriminating them in terms of denying them equal employment opportunity, such people are likely to shy away from consuming products and services that are provided by the company. Such people also have the propensity of talking ill about the company, this will destroy the reputation of the company and will lead to decreased sales revenue which might eventually lead to its collapse if it continues with the vice of discrimination and thus companies should come up with affirmative action programs which will ensure that discrimination is avoided at all cost in the organization (Karsten, 2006). Affirmative actions greatly affect the effectiveness of organizations, this is because the most effective and efficient employees are engaged at various levels of production. Without an affirmative action workers may be hired or promoted due to other reasons other than merit. This would significantly affect the overall effectiveness of the organization as less qualified workers might be engaged to perform certain tasks which could have been performed better by other more qualified personnel had merit been used as a basis of engaging such employees (Kivel, 1995). Lack of a proper affirmative action might also significantly affect the share prices of an organization, since it will be less attractive to the investors who originate from back grounds that the company is fond of discriminating. This will in the long run affect the capital base of the company and might eventually make it to face serious financial crisis, thus hindering its effective operations (Karsten, 2006). Conclusion Sexual harassment is a vice that should not be tolerated at any cost in an organization as it will lower the levels of productivity among the workers. Thus the company will face increased costs of operations since it will be remunerating its workers for less production. The sexually harassed workers will be working in an environment that is hostile for them and thus they will have low morale to work effectively. An affirmative action program in an organization is very important as it sets out the rules and regulations to be followed. When used appropriately an affirmative action will ensure that a firm remains competitive and thus its future is guaranteed to some extent. How to cite Sexual Harassment, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Field Report in Tai Po - Hong Kong-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Field report in TAI PO, Hong Kong. Answer: Introduction Tai Po district in Hong Kong is regarded to be a sparsely populated region of Hong Kong. It is also very famous among the tourists and the locales, alike. Hong Kong consists of eighteen districts of which Tai Po is one[1]. According to the locales, Tai Po has been designed on the blueprint of a conventional agora town. Field Report In Hong Kong, there are many historic buildings, which possess the characteristic of being classified as monuments under the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance. In Tai Po district, Tin Hau Temple Complex which is located in the area of Ha Wai, Tap Man Chau can be cited as a monumental building and is worthy of gaining a statutory protection. Tin Hau Temple Complex consists of several other adjacent temples, some of which are quite ancient and spectacular. Along with the above edifice, there are two other buildings, which can be chosen to be included under the statutory protection act. They are the Tai Po Lookout and the Old Tai Po Police Station. Tai Po Lookout is an ancient edifice, which was previously utilized for residential purposes [2]. The Old Tai Po Police Station is located atop a hummock. It was in operation from the period of 1898 to 1987, marking the British colonial rule [3]. Remarkable social change can be visualized by anyone who sets foot in the Tai Po district. Previously, it was an ordinary market settlement, but at present, it is a bustling venue with the presence of general housing properties, exclusive accommodation properties and a conglomeration of picturesque villages. The administrative team of Tai Po district has implemented various programs to cater to the requirements of the aged population and the people of foreign origin. Since over the years, Hong Kong has been evolving and expanding impressively; people of all cultures and nations have started to immigrate to Hong Kong in huge numbers[4]. As a result, the administrative team of the Tai Po district has adopted various activities to make the dwelling experiences of its inhabitants more colorful, harmonizing and enjoyable inclusive of age, religious affiliation and cultural background. The field report to the Tai Po district in Hong Kong has been very informative and impressive. The responsible conduct of the inhabitants of the Tai Po district in Hong Kong in keeping and maintaining the sanctity, cleanliness and ambience of the historic edifices as well as of the area adjacent to the edifices is remarkable and noteworthy. In addition to this, the general upkeep of the whole area of Tai Po district is equally outstanding and inspiring[5]. The last but not the least, the brilliant initiative to make people of all race, sex and culture to feel included and special in the communal activities and events is truly wonderful and sympathetic. The inhabitants of Tai Po and the administrative department should be applauded and rewarded for their amazing endeavor. Conclusion Conclusively, it can be understood from the above field report that the Tai Po district in Hong Kong holds the capability and eminence to secure the stratification of its historic and ancient buildings under the Statutory Protection Act of Hong Kong. The buildings, the whole area and the local community are truly deserving of obtaining the stamp of the Statutory Protection Act. It will be of great injustice if they are exempted from the clause of the Statutory Protection Act. References Green Hub - Old Tai Po Police Station. 2017.Geocaching.Com. https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC75XGM_green-hub-old-tai-po-police-station?guid=77ccfb60-6f5c-4fff-aed7-dcf1a003039c. Howard, Philip N., and Malcolm R. Parks. "Social media and political change: Capacity, constraint, and consequence."Journal of communication62.2 (2012): 359-362. Tai Po District Council - Articles. 2017.Districtcouncils.Gov.Hk. https://www.districtcouncils.gov.hk/tp/english/info/highlight_01.html. Tai Po: The Ultimate Guide. 2017.Time Out Hong Kong. https://www.timeout.com/hong-kong/things-to-do/tai-po-the-ultimate-guide?page_number=2zone_id=1451431. Wang, Lulin, Mingzhong Tian, and Lei Wang. "Geodiversity, geoconservation and geotourism in Hong Kong global geopark of China."Proc Geol Assoc. Vol. 126. No. 3. 2015. Tai Po District Council - Articles. 2017.Districtcouncils.Gov.Hk. https://www.districtcouncils.gov.hk/tp/english/info/highlight_01.html. Tai Po: The Ultimate Guide. 2017.Time Out Hong Kong. https://www.timeout.com/hong-kong/things-to-do/tai-po-the-ultimate-guide?page_number=2zone_id=1451431. Green Hub - Old Tai Po Police Station. 2017.Geocaching.Com. https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC75XGM_green-hub-old-tai-po-police-station?guid=77ccfb60-6f5c-4fff-aed7-dcf1a003039c. Wang, Lulin, Mingzhong Tian, and Lei Wang. "Geodiversity, geoconservation and geotourism in Hong Kong global geopark of China."Proc Geol Assoc. Vol. 126. No. 3. 2015. Howard, Philip N., and Malcolm R. Parks. "Social media and political change: Capacity, constraint, and consequence."Journal of communication62.2 (2012): 359-362.
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